Introducing our ground breaking new 3D Printed Pallet system!!

The Unstrung Printed Pallet System allows you to apply any grip shape & size pallet on to any racket. For example, you can have a Babolat grip size 3 that will fit a Wilson racket. Or a Wilson L2 pallet that will fit a Head racket. The options and combinations are endless.

At the moment the only other way to do this would be through grip moulding. However we believe grip moulding is an outdated and time consuming process. The rackets need to be sent away for roughly a week to be moulded. Furthermore there can be many issues with moulding, for example; weight variations, density and also setting the racket perfectly centred in the mould as any slight deviation would result in a bad mould.

Therefore we came up with the idea for our;Unstrung Printed Pallet System.

Our pallets are printed with 0.1mm of accuracy, meaning each and every pallet will come out exactly the same. The density and feeling in the hand will be identical every single time. There will be no issues with with centring the rackets as the pallets are 2 simple halves that lock into one another.

The locking mechanism also means there are no ‘gaps’ in the sides of the pallets like you would often find with other brands traditional pallets.

Another big advantage with the UPPS is that the clients rackets will not need to be sent off anywhere. Any competent stringer/customiser will be able to change a pallet in 10/15 minute.

This means shops and stringers can have a stock of our pallets and offer grip shape and size changing on the spot to their customers.

Furthermore, for pro players and anyone who wants a personal grip made we can offer this service at a fraction of the price to tradition moulding (usually £2,000). This means that a player will have the same printed pallet time and time again.

We have teamed up with one of the UK’s leading 3D printing specialists that design and print parts for aircrafts, racing cars and many more. Each pallet printed goes through their quality control tests resulting in high quality pallets every time.

Combinations and Possibilities

The options for the pallets are virtually endless, if it can be designed it can be printed. So we can offer any cross brand designs.

Custom grip designs like the replication of a favourite grip shape and size. Often players have their racket grips sanded and the shape altered, we can replicate this in the design and then it be reproduced in the printing perfectly every time.

We can print pallets that extend the rackets to + lengths.

Even hybrid grip shapes, like a L3 on the top half and an L2 on the bottom half for example.

We’re also able to print flares and ‘leather grip’ textured pallets. Some pros prefer this option where you would only apply an over grip to the pallet.

We have attached our current index sheet that gives you all the current options that we have. We’re always expanding our design inventory so some special shafts or shapes can be requested.