Specialists in racket painting, tuning and stringing!

Why Choose us?

Each player has their own needs. Regardless of your level we can help tune your racket specifically to you. We can advise you on the best string for your game or even create your very own custom painted tennis racket!

What we offer

  • Stringing

    We advice and help players find their perfect string set up.

  • Tuning

    We can help you make all your rackets feel like your favourite one!

  • Painting

    Why not add a unique look to your rackets.

Improve your tennis game.

Benefits of Tuning and Stringing:

  • Custom specs to best suit your game.

  • Recommended strings to benefit your style of play.

  • Enhance the rackets playability.

  • Increase racket head speed and therefore more spin.

  • Improve you ball return speed therefore more power.

  • And much more!